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Legal notice & data protection

Legal notice

TFCM SAS is a French company specializing in industrial sheet-metal, technical sheet-metal and fine sheet-metal technologies. The company is involved in all operations covering co-development, sheet-metal cutting, welding and folding and manufacture of complete metal assemblies or sub-assemblie Website is edited by :Tfcm SAS ®
Le bois de La Rochelle – 85420 DAMVIX – France. Phone. +33 (0)2 51 87 15 45 – Fax +33 (0)2 51 87 12 56
Registered at La Roche-sur-Yon Register of Companies under number :
RCS La Roche-sur-Yon B 333 892 982

The Publishing Director is : M. Philippe Duranceau Chairman and Managing Director

Website has been designed and manufactured by :

Content Design
Editorials © Natys – TFCM
Pictures © TFCM – Freepik

Any Internet user visiting this site acknowledges having read this legal notice and undertakes to respect it.
The company TFCM SAS makes every effort to ensure the availability, accuracy and updating of the information published on its website, the content of which it reserves the right to correct at any time and without notice.
However, TFCM SAS cannot guarantee the availability, accuracy, updating or completeness of the information thus made available.
Each Internet user fully assumes the risks related to the credit he or she gives to this information and acknowledges that he or she uses this information under his or her exclusive responsibility.

It is incumbent on the user of the site to take the necessary precautions to avoid any contamination of the site, or the sites of the partners to which it refers, in particular by one or more « viruses ».
For its part, the company TFCM SAS (co-development, industrialization parts sub-assemblies complex sheet metal), disclaims any liability for damages, direct or indirect and whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, including any damage or virus that could infect the user’s computer equipment or any other property.

Nominative and other information
The user is informed that the company TFCM SAS, responsible for the processing, implements personal data processing for the purposes of information and external communication, management and monitoring of reservations, visit schedules, management and monitoring of commercial relations and management and monitoring of the public received.
To do so, TFCM SAS may ask users to leave their contact details and e-mail or postal address.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Website and notably its content is protected by the French applicable laws. Tfcm ® is the exclusive holder of all intellectual property rights on this Website and its content (texts, pictures, illustrations, images, logos, etc.) The content produced on this Website is owned by Tfcm ® copyright and its reproduction or diffusion without express written permission from Tfcm ® will constitute a trademark infringement liable to penal sanctions. Any unauthorized reproduction of these trademarks, logos, original drawings and distinctive signs is an infringement liable to penal sanctions. The offender runs the risk of civil and penal sanctions, notably penalties provided in articles L.335.2 and L.343.1 of the Intellectual Property Law.

In order to respect its User’s privacy, Tfcm® undertakes to collect and process the data transferred on this Website in accordance with the law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technologies, computer files and liberties,having been the subject of a modification on August 7, 2004, relating to data processing, files and freedoms. The latter is reinforced by the law of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, the violation of which is subject to criminal sanctions.In particular, it must refrain, with regard to the personal information to which it has access, from any collection, any misuse and, in general, any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.
In the same way, the user of the website acknowledges and agrees to provide TFCM SAS with only the information necessary to process his request, excluding any information or remarks that are outrageous, racist or pejorative.

HYPERTEXT LINKS proposes hypertext links towards Websites edited and/or managed by third-parties. Since these external resources are not controlled whatsoever, the User acknowledges that Tfcm-Stpg® is not responsible for making these resources at disposal and thus cannot be liable for their content .The decision to activate the links is thus exclusively up to the Internet users.

A cookie is a text file in alphanumeric format deposited on the hard disk of the Internet user by the server of the site visited or by a third party server (advertising network, audience measurement service, etc…). A cookie makes it possible to recognize an Internet user when he returns to a website. However on a technical level the cookie makes it possible to recognize a machine and not really a Net surfer. A cookie can only be used by a server of the domain that placed it.

Different types of cookies are used on the Site, they have different purposes.

Essential, performance and functional cookies
Essential » cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the Site. They allow the Internet user to access the Site and its Services and cannot be deactivated/deleted.
The cookies of « Performance and Functional » are used in order to offer the Internet user a better service. They improve the functioning of the Site in relation to the needs of the Internet user, in relation to his past behaviour and recorded parameters. They prevent the Internet user from providing information already given (pages visited; language parameters, country; identifier; etc.) during a previous visit to the Site. These cookies do not collect personal information, nor do they allow the user to be identified or personal data to be collected.
The Internet user can deactivate/delete these cookies on his terminal. However, he or she will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities that are nevertheless necessary to navigate in certain areas of the Site.

Analytical cookies
The Site uses Piwik audience analytics software to analyze certain visitor information such as traffic, browser usage, number of visitors, marketing activity and page views. This information helps us to make improvements to the Site both qualitatively and quantitatively. The data stored by these cookies can only be seen by the relevant teams of the Site or some of its service providers, but does not record any confidential information.

This document presents information about cookies present on the services accessible (« Services ») to any Internet user via a connection terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone …), from the address
During visits to the Site, cookies may be automatically installed on the user’s terminal (computer, telephone, tablet, etc.). The cookie is used to record information relating to the browsing of Internet users in order to offer them personalized browsing (e.g. identification of the Internet user allowing him/her to access his/her account, management of the shopping basket, memorization of consultations and personalization of the offers proposed).
The Internet user is informed of the recording of cookies on his terminal by a banner as soon as he arrives on the home page of the Site. By continuing to browse the Site without configuring the collection of his identifiers, the Internet user accepts the collection of this information and the creation of the identifier.
This page allows the Internet user to obtain the necessary information to deactivate these cookies, at any time and free of charge. However, it is recalled that the deactivation of cookies may reduce or prevent access to all or part of the services offered by the Site and in particular the consultation of videos.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. However, the Internet user can configure his browser to prevent cookies from being saved on his computer or on an associated device. Some browsers offer a mode where cookies are always deleted after a visit.
The Internet user can also configure his browser software so that it notifies him of the cookies that are deposited on his terminal and choose on a case-by-case basis whether or not to accept these cookies.
Internet users are reminded that the deactivation of cookies may reduce or prevent access to all or part of the Services offered by the Site.
If the browser is configured to refuse all cookies, the user will not be able to take advantage of essential functions of the Site. In order to manage the cookies as closely as possible to the expectations of the user, we invite him/her to configure his/her browser taking into account the purpose of the cookies as mentioned above.
The following links describe step by step how to set cookies according to the browsers.

If you use the Google Chrome browser
Locate files that contain the name « TFCM » Select and delete them.

If you are using the Firefox browser

The Site may use the functionality of « sharing » content with the user’s friends via social networks. When the Internet user « shares » content, these social network websites are likely to send cookies to the Internet user while browsing the Site.
The Site does not in any way control the distribution of these cookies, which is why we suggest that you consult the websites of third parties for more information on their cookies.

Privacy Policy

Evolution of this contract
Tfcm ® reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions and mentions of this contract at any time. We recommend that the User checks on a regular basis the latest version of the legal notice available on the Website

Duration and termination
This contract is concluded for an indefinite term from the time the User starts using the Service.

Applicable laws and relevant jurisdiction
The regulations applying to the content and transfer of data on and around this Website fall under the French Law. In the event of a dispute not reaching an out-of-court settlement, the sole relevant jurisdiction will be the French Courts within the competence of La Roche-sur-Yon County Court.